4Fortitude Short Stories
Fantasy, Fiction, Fables, and Fairy Tales
Here's Some Sample Ideas To Get You Started
Goblin Town
You've taken your family away from the safety of the East coast. All so you could chase gold, leaving her wealthy family and your good job, far behind forever. It's getting dark and this wagon has proven wanting as shelter from wolves and bandits. Up ahead you see a town. Thank God, you think, until you see that the entire town is a race of goblins. Living a life just like everyone else it seems. No talking, just staring. Your children cry as your wife begs you to turn around, but you know if they wanted, they'd find you in the night. Are they as evil as they look? Have you discovered a mutated family line? Are they friendly? Would they be willing to trade for food and shelter, but what would they want in return. You decide!

The Scrate
Coming Soon

Lost In The Cold
As you huddle with your family and what has become your tribe, you look around at your unwelcomed phantom visitors and think back to the day Earth became a frozen wasteland. A mysterious boom heard around the globe followed by a series of green rays from outer space that in, around, and through the planet, left a fallen world where barely any sun was visible through the clouds and all technology refused to work. We can’t even test the clouds to see what they’re made of or send probes beyond to see what’s on the other side. The strangest part is that everyone who died is a ghost and gather around the surviving humans’ fires and crave the heat from their body warmth and fires. They can’t talk, they can’t move anything, they just huddle, shiver, and stare, by the thousands, but we must make fire or we will join them. We make fires to keep them distracted from us also. No one knows why we are all still here as ghost after our bodies die and didn’t go to heaven or hell. There’s no denying that another side of the metaphysical curtain exists now. Was it aliens, rebellious angels, a strange cosmic phenomenon, or something much stranger and worse?