"Perfect" Full Body Bodyweight Workout
6 Days - No Equipment Necessary
"Perfect" Full Body No Equipment Workout

Push-ups - 10 reps
Squats - 20 reps
Side Lunges - 10 reps per leg
One-legged Plank - 30 seconds
Repeat for 2 rounds.
Warm up according to your fitness level and take into account any injuries you have. These workouts are meant to be intense but relatively short. I would recommend doing your favorite warm-up to avoid injury. If you don’t have one, try running in place for 2 minutes. I know that sounds super simple, but it actually works very well due to all the muscles involved. Also, consult a physician before beginning any workout program, including this one. Why? Well, because I’m supposed to say that; and also, because I’m not there training you or providing an assessment, so a doctor visit might not be such a bad idea anyway. Adjust and modify this program as necessary to reach your goals and prevent injury.
With determination, you'll soon notice a remarkable difference in your strength, stamina, and physique. Take charge of your fitness and health and embrace the power of these total body workouts. Keep it simple and consistent, put the work in, and your future self will thank you!
One-leg Close Grip Push-Ups - 10 reps each leg up
Squat to Calf Raise - 10 reps
Side Leg lifts - 15 reps each side
Mountain climbers - 20 reps
Repeat for 2 rounds.
Diamond push-ups - 10 reps
Squat jumps - 15 reps
Front-to-Back lunges - 20 reps
Bicycle crunches - 30 reps
Repeat for 2 rounds.
Simple...Not Easy
It's a week's worth of concise, no-cost workouts to enhance cardio-respiratory fitness, strength, core stability, and muscle endurance. I thought a full week of workouts, which can be done anywhere, is perfect for your home fitness plan, and requiring no equipment would be perfect for beginners, athletes who can’t get to the gym or field, and introverts like me who dread seeing other humans more than a 2-hour workout at the local gym. These versatile routines are effective and time efficient and will help transform you on your fitness journey!
Each workout consists of a 3-minute killer whole body section, then a workout that should take you 5 to 7 minutes to complete.
The first three minutes will be 3 exercises that are done either for 60 seconds or for reps that will take you roughly 60 seconds to complete.
3-Minute Killer Workout:
10 Down Burpees - 10 Push Ups with a burpee on the last, then 9 push ups with a burpee on the last, and so on.
Reverse Lunge to high knee. 15 reps on each side.
Ghost rope drills - Bob under an imaginary rope back and forth!
Plyometric push-ups - 10 reps
Sumo Squat holds - 30 seconds
Reverse lunges - 10 reps per leg
Flutter kicks - 30 seconds
Repeat for 2 rounds.
Judo push-ups - 15 reps
Fire Hydrants - 8 reps per leg
High Knees - 20 reps per leg
Leg Raises - 20 reps
Repeat for 2 rounds.
Close push-ups - 10 reps
Jumping jacks - 20 reps
Shuffle Splits - 10 reps per leg
Shadowbox - 30 Seconds
Repeat for 2 rounds.